4 ways to add New Line Character to a String in Java
When you are required to output Strings with your Java code, more often than not, there is a requirement to format the output correctly. Adding a newline character between two strings in order to separate them, or create a paragraph is one of the most common requirements. Let's look at a few ways today, on how to output a newline between two Strings. 1. System.out.println inbuilt function One of the easiest ways, is to use the function System.out.println(). The println() function will automatically add a new line to the output, if using two strings. Sample: String s1 = "This is a String." ; String s2 = "This is another String." ; System . out . println ( s1 ) ; System . out . println ( s2 ) ; If you don't want to use a separate System.out.println for every String, there are other ways as well. Read on! 2. Add a newline character "\n" You can simply append newline character yourself to the strings, and use a single System.out.print command...